Gay Nigger
Association of America Reborn
Association of America Reborn
GNAA is an advocacy consortium dedicated to the
enfranchising and the empowerment of fellow homosexual africans, their marginalised peers
and subsets.
The Gay Nigger Association of America also conducts various other activities to staunchly
defend and vigorously vindicate the inalienable and natural gayniggerdom and civil
liberties of gay niggers.
What is the GNAA?
At GNAA, we empower gay niggers and fellow thugs across the globe by practicing the jew's trades - technology. GNAA is considered to be one the only organizations to have agents across every microcosm of society.
No longer will gay niggers
around the world endure ignominy and repression resultant from the confluence of glowie-CIA
nigger cryptocracies.
The Gay Nigger Association of America also conducts various other activities to staunchly defend
and vigorously vindicate the inalienable and natural gayniggerdom and civil liberties of gay
Gay Pornography Weaponization
GNAA defends its righteous territory and its people by utilizing advanced gaynigger pseudomind strategies, such as gay porn. Through the tactical and precise deployment of homo-pornography, GNAA has retained a large customer base ever since our inception.

Daily orgies
GNAA is no stranger to the core concept behind the releasing of your inner demons. In Gay Nigger Association of America, our outlets for stress-release are not only exciting, but also heart (and ass) pounding moments. GNAA orgies are best characterized by ebony penises and the cursing of the jews with every upheaving thrust.

GNAA Civil Rights Protests
The GNAA has been at war against bigots and racists since its ancestor, Gary Niger, escaped the plantation by sexually assaulting his gay owner. GNAA upholds the values of civil rights and believes in a free democracy that supports the circulation of intense, hardcore homo-pornography and gayniggerdom.

Gay Nigger Church Gatherings
The GNAA has organized church gatherings for all gay niggers to come together and praise the divine holiness of big black dicks in one's mouth.

How to Join
GNAA is not only a afro-erotic corporation - we are also a civil liberty group. Want to join us in on our weekly orgies and daily cursing of the glowies? Follow these simple steps.

Have mutuals with us.
Are you allies with us, or are you simply a mutual? GNAA is an inclusive organization. Join up now if you satisfy this category!
Memorize the gay porn list.
GNAA is widely recognized for our dexterity in the storage of homosexual pornography. As a gay nigger, you must be able to recall gay porn at any given moment or when the time arises. Here are the requirements:
Contribute or have knowledge of the gay porn list.
Be able to sufficiently weaponize gay pornography in mission-critical, corporate-critical situations.
Masturbate to it.
Usage of Jerome
Jerome is the key catalyst to your enrollment in the Association. GNAA assesses your skill and desires with Jerome. To join, you must be able to:
Masturbate effectively to Jerome
Forge an unending sexual bond with Jerome
That's it!
Once you have demonstrated your love for the GNAA, you will be automatically accepted as one of many gay niggers operating across spacetime.
Jake A' Snikker
This is the following testimonial from Jake.

"Before I joined GNAA, I was a lone, homosexal methhead. Now, I'm no longer alone."
Benjamin Butseks
Benjamin Butseks is now a successful entrepeneur with a beautiful husband and an amazing life, with surprises at every corner. See his testimonial below:

"Hey, I'm Ben Butseks! I'd like to give a major, major thanks to GNAA and their people for bringing me up from the ghetto to the living room. Never has putting something in my mouth felt so good - now I'm putting food in my husband's mouth in addition to my spunk!"